This week we have been busy learning and celebrating Chinese New Year in both the baby and pre school rooms. In the pre school room we initially learnt what this is and what we could do at nursery to celebrate. The children themselves recognised we could make some decorations. Currently on display is children’s art work in regards to this to celebrate their work. The children used chop sticks to write Chinese numbers with paint and design individual marks.
We made our own dragons using playdough and loose part resources to enhance children’s ideas and imagination. The toddler group made the playdough themselves; ready for everyone to squeeze, roll and splat too.
Our curiosity cube created intrigue and interest. The children asked a variety of questions around this. With our world map the children explored where China is and part of the Chinese culture. We explored tuff trays too to use a variety of our senses throughout these activities.
At snack time we had the opportunity to try a variety of Chinese foods too.
The children explored Chinese music and made a variety of movements and dance moves as well
The baby room children also enjoyed decorating their own dragon, exploring tuff trays and exploring the instruments whilst listening to Chinese music and beats.
What lovely experiences we have all had this week