Big garden bird watch focus;
This morning at welcome time we talked about birds and where we have seen them before. The children were able to describe the different birds they had seen before in the environment. We then read a story called Lucky Duck which explored the differences amongst birds. The children listened very well and focused on the new story. We had the chance to ask questions to our teacher and learn new interesting facts. One child described the colour of a magpie to an adult too.
Afterwards we made our own birds at the craft table we used glue and paint to mark make onto our art work.
The children then coloured in and mark maked a bird picture too. We explored the different types of bird names; again identifying their similarities and differences. We made our own bird feeder too.
This afternoon we learnt more facts about birds and explored a video on the interactive screen.
In the garden we began completing a survey of the birds we have seen. We learnt about the similarities and differences between birds and encourage children to talk about what they have observed, showing concern for the living things in the environment and noticing patterns of change. The children were able to identify some black birds and pigeons.
What wonderful learning today
